What's the difference between Garmin mobile XT and Garmin city navigator?
Haha thanks, I know I am greedy, but there is something always can fullfill human desperationTHanks for your uploading, this is amazing!
What's the difference between Garmin mobile XT and Garmin city navigator?
Posted - 08/06/2006 : 03:05:12
The "NT" I'm refering to is a new map compression technology (i.e. "New Technology") used by Garmin in their newer GPS units (Garmin always uses NavTeq maps and that has nothing to do with them being NT formatted or not). Basically, the new compression format allows you to fit much more map data in the same amount of memory space when compared to the non-NT formatted maps. However, the NT maps aren't supported by many of the older GPS units
Since the Mobile XT program understands the NT format, you can use it with either the older non-NT formatted maps (such as City Select), or the newer NT formatted maps (such as City Navigator NT). However, in order to take advantage of the new live traffic feature, you have to be using the NT formatted maps.
City Select is identical to City Navigator except that its map regions are broken up into smaller chunks so that they better fit onto Garmin's older handheld units which don't have much internal memory available. Also, the routing directions are formatted a bit differently so that they fit better on the smaller screens of the handheld units
You have to navigate to get to the good.
Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600
What should I do with the file? Where do I have to save the unpacked file?
works this only with a S60? I have a Streetpilot c510
Can someone please explain how i get petrol stations to show on the latest Garmin mobile XT version 5?
thank you very much
Hi , I put this IMG file on an sd card on my NUVI 310 which has 2007 and 2008 maps on the internal memory and it finds the maps and selects them , thank you very much .... I then tried to use them in Mapsouce by downloading from the Nuvi but it doesnt work .. previosly I had a dropdown with 2007 and 2008 showing but that has disappeared ??? any ideas or am I doing something wrong ... I had previously tried the locked maps which loaded direct to mapsource and I could send areas of it to the GPS but they wouldn't unlock with Jetmouse.