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  1. #1
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    Default Strange routing behavior of Nuvi 57 and 67

    Dear experts:


    * Garmin Nuvi 50 LM with OpenMapChest 2017.10.18 in memory card and City Navigator North America 2018.30 in unit
    * Garmin Nuvi 57 with OpenMapChest 2017.10.18 (map in memory card, only this map installed)
    * Garmin Nuvi 67 with OpenMapChest 2017.10.18 (map in memory card, only this map installed)
    * All units with the latest Garmin upgrades
    * Route tested: LAX Airport (CA) to San Luis Obispo City (CA)
    * Same navigation preferences and avoidances in the three units (faster time, U-Turns, Carpool Lanes, Unpaved Roads)
    * GPS in simulation mode

    In the three units I uploaded the same POI file, using Garmin POI Loader software.

    I used those loaded POI to test a route between LAX Airport to San Luis Obispo City.

    The point I uploaded for LAX Airport is: 33.95471807,-118.37625028,"Alamo LAX Airport"

    The point I uploaded for San Luis Obispo City is: 35.32737742,-120.72593977,"San Luis Obispo"

    In the Nuvi 50 the map selected is the OpenMapChest; the route and distance is correctly displayed. In the Nuvi 57 and Nuvi 67 they show a completely wrong route (going southeast first, making the trip around 7 hours longer). Please see attached links.

    If I insert the memory card of the Nuvi 57 or the Nuvi 67 in the Nuvi 50, and select the OpenMapChest map ¡¡the route is displayed correctly on this unit!!

    If I manually enter the address of origin and destination; the same wrong behavior is shown in the Nuvi 57 and 67 units. I could not duplicate this issue using any other pair of origin/destination. (all the other routes tested are ok.)

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    Any ideas or comments?

    Thank you very much, have a nice day.

    Uruguay - South America

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  3. #2
    Important User Strange routing behavior of Nuvi 57 and 67
    Strange routing behavior of Nuvi 57 and 67Strange routing behavior of Nuvi 57 and 67
    Butters's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
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    My best guess would be that the US purchased 50LM has had a satellite fix in North America at some time in the past whereas the other two are South American devices and haven't ever been physically used in US. Sometimes strange routing in simulation can be due to that but not by any means does it always happen. Additionally, the mere presence of the official Garmin CNNT NA HERE mapping in the nuvi 50LM (even though de-selected) may be overcoming some routing deficiency in the OpenMapChest data. Both speculative of course.



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