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  1. #1
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    May 2010
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    Default Multiple mapys into Nuvi 200

    Hello all,

    I am new to the forum. I have tried to look this topic up both here and on the web, but there really is not a lot about it.

    I have a Nuvi 200 and I need to install 2 maps. The CityNavigator Europe and a Topo map. Due to the size of these files I have to put the onto the SD card. Things I have already tried:

    1) Changing names - CNEU is gmapsupp and TOPO is gmapprom (or other names) - this does not work as the devices only sees files named gmapprom.

    2) Joining the maps together using Gmaptool and cGPSmapper and MapTK - the process ends either with an error or with a warning stating regions overlay.

    3) Using MapSource 6.16.3 - creating one image using map source - this could be successfull, but when splitting the maps into MapSource install file using Gmaptool it always ends with unusable maps, because address input does not work. It always freezes asking for state or province name, but here are none to select in the list - that means no addresses in CNEU.

    May I ask you for your help? Is there any other way how to install maps into mapsource?

    Thank you.

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Multiple mapys into Nuvi 200
    Multiple mapys into Nuvi 200Multiple mapys into Nuvi 200Multiple mapys into Nuvi 200Multiple mapys into Nuvi 200Multiple mapys into Nuvi 200Multiple mapys into Nuvi 200Multiple mapys into Nuvi 200
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    Read these two threads listed in Tutorials please: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].

    If using latest firmware, you can use 2 img files on SD in Garmin root folder named gmapsupp.img and gmapsup1.img only. Individual files must be less than 4GiB.
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] should make their first post as a new Intro Thread in [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].

  4. #3
    Join Date
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    Thank you so much. That's it. I will try to look better next time.




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