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  1. #1

    Default MapSource always ask for installation disk when I try to access World Map

    Hi everybody, I am quite new on these things, in spite that I already had MapSource working with World Map in my previous PC.

    Recently I installed MapSource with WorldMap in my new PC but when I try to access the WorldMap, I get the pop up menu >>Please insert the disk "WorldMap " into the drive D: and press OK<<.

    If I press cancel, the pop up menu do not close and if I press OK without inserting the disk, pop up menu closes while Map Source searches for the installation disk but then it pops up again and I can't use MapSource.

    When I insert the disk MapSource WorldMap in the drive, then everything works fine.

    Anyone can help me explaining how I can install the WorldMap in my hard disk, in a way that MapsSource do not ask for the installation disk?

    Thank you very much.
    Last edited by fcosta999; 15th February 2012 at 08:26 AM.

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  3. #2

    Default Storage location for MapSource map data

    You probably have an early version of Garmin WorldMap. The first series of GPS maps from Garmin was not installed on the hard drive and you had to use the CD to get the map tiles data. In those days hard drive capacity was quite low and expensive so Garmin made the choice to keep the data on the CD. The second generation of Garmin maps offered the possibility to install map data locally on the HD or leave it on the CD. Now since some years back in time it's more or less mandatory that map data is copied from installation media to the hard drive.

    Either install a newer version like Garmin WorldMap v4 - [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    ... or ...

    You can also try to check the Windows Registry settings for the product.
    Start "regedit.exe" in Windows and go to "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Garmin\Mapsource\Families]" in 32-bit Windows or "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Garmin\Mapsource\Families]" in 64-bit Windows.
    Look for the WoldMap product (v2? or v3?). It's likely that the "Loc" sub-key points to a location on your CD. You have to copy data from that location and store that locally on the hard drive. Good choice would be the same path as IDX, MDR, Bmap and Tdb files. Then you have to edit the "Loc" sub-key to your local hard drive path that you just used to copy map data to.

    Here's an example for WorldMap v4 in Windows 64-bit environment. It's the "Loc" key that holds the path for map tiles data:
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  4. #3
    Senior Member Strephon Alkhalikoi's Avatar
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    I had to do something similar to this to get both Roads and Recreation 1999 and CNNANT 2008 to show up in the current versions of MapSource and BaseCamp, since by default these old maps do not install in the Windows ProgramData directory. So I created a registry file. If for some reason I have to restore my default drive image, I can install these two maps, move the files to ProgramData, then run this registry file to have them show up in MapSource and BaseCamp.

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