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  1. #1

    Default Basecamp unlock problems (MAC)


    I'm new here, live in the Netherlands and I'm interested in Garmin GPS outdoor systems. Found this website by google because I have a problem unlocking maps in Basecamp Mac version.

    I have Roadtrip 2.0.2 on my mac and can use all my maps.

    Last saturday I installed Basecamp 3.2.2 on my mac and I can use all my maps except the Europe Navigator 2013 map. Only this map is still unlocked.

    Can somebody help me with this problem.


    Last edited by GarminTinusNL; 6th November 2011 at 01:02 PM.

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Basecamp unlock (MAC)
    Basecamp unlock (MAC)Basecamp unlock (MAC)Basecamp unlock (MAC)Basecamp unlock (MAC)Basecamp unlock (MAC)Basecamp unlock (MAC)Basecamp unlock (MAC)
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    Default Help Requests Really Don't Belong Here, Use "SEARCH" Instead

    Hi, Welcome to Noeman. Here is where you should only tell us something about yourself and your device(s), etc. Revisit the Stickys at the top of this forum, this will get you back there: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], and if you haven't already done so, check the Forum Rules: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], and the Searching & Posting Tips: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. Here is definately not the right place ask for help. Use the "SEARCH" function to find any existing threads covering what you want, read thru them and only post there for help as a last resort if you can't find an answer. Be patient in searching and read threads right thru, it's really fun because you can accidently find out all sorts of other stuff you didn't know! So do all that, but first, think about doing this: Maybe adjust your Presentation to tell us a bit more about you and your devices. Just use the "edit" button and add some more info. in line with the suggested format in one of the abovementioned Stickys, here: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. Good luck, I'm sure you'll love it here like we all do once you know your way around. Cheers.
    Last edited by Neil; 7th November 2011 at 04:35 AM. Reason: typo.

  4. #3

    Default Basecamp unlock (MAC)


    On my Mac I use Roadtrip and the new program from Garmin Basecamp.
    In Roadtrip I can use City Navigator Europe 2012.1 or .3 but I can't use this maps in Basecamp because the are unlocked. How is that possible....
    All my other maps, topo NL, topo france etc can be used in Roadtrip and in Basecamp.

    I have the same problem on my i-mac and my macbook.

    Anyone a solution, used the search tool but nothing found for the mac.

  5. #4

    Default Possible solution

    I haven't been able to verify this, but it looks like you need to use the patched BaseCamp found on this site at:





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