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    iGO Enthusiast How to replace software - change content in iGO WinCE devices
    How to replace software - change content in iGO WinCE devicesHow to replace software - change content in iGO WinCE devicesHow to replace software - change content in iGO WinCE devicesHow to replace software - change content in iGO WinCE devicesHow to replace software - change content in iGO WinCE devicesHow to replace software - change content in iGO WinCE devicesHow to replace software - change content in iGO WinCE devices
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    Default How to replace software - change content in iGO WinCE devices

    How to replace software - change content in iGO WinCE devices

    Considering that a large number of new users are still asking the above, here is a short guide:

    Spoiler: How To

    Basically you need to delete old software and content, and replace it with new ones.
    Take care, make a backup before any kind of modification. Just in case.

    If it is a specific device, which came with the factory software release (e.g Becker, Navitel, Prestigio...), it is necessary to keep the folder structure and naming (of main exe file).

    To make all Forum links available, write at least one post, ie introduce yourself to the section:
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    Then you can and should like posts and links become visible.

    You need all this in order:

    - Software. Pay attention to the resolution of the device, for example, e.g. your device is 480x272. Look for the specific version intended for it.
    Most popular and reliable are these two:
    Primo CIVIC edition:
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    Not to be bothered by the name, it was "stolen" from the aforementioned car, and it works anywhere.
    ...and KIA edition:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Same story.
    These are proven, clean packages with no redundant components. In addition, they work with any content without additional licenses.
    Of course, if you want or need someone else, find it in the Forum by yourself

    At the time of writing, the content refers to the last of this date but is regularly updated

    - Maps, most recent, you have them here, any torrent you want:
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    - then you also need fresh global cfg, from here :
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] << recommended
    Latest releases in recent topic posts

    - the language and voice you want, eg Serbian from this link, others can be found in the Forum:
    Spoiler: click to unhide
    This post requires you to click the "LIKE this post" button and hit F5 to read this content.

    - Take the DEM file from this post:
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    use those 88MB EU DEM, premium are bulky and heavy, in principle intended for NextGen editions

    - speedcams from here:
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    Latest releases in recent topic posts
    pay attention to the archive pass if there is any

    - And of course, the most important instruction:
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    When it comes to new content, it's always wise to put only a minimum if you need it.
    Some basic rules for Primo releases:
    - minimal content - only those countries where you will actually travel, this quarter
    - speedcams as less. It's amazing how that little file can slow down the navi
    - licenses - two go for Civic. Only one for KIA. You do not need as much as any other than the one that came in the package.
    That is, you can delete everything, insert only these three from this post:
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    and you are covered for all possible situations
    - if you are not a trucker, do not put ftr files and truck poi
    - hnr are generally excess, especially for short tours. You don't need them if you don't go over half a Europe
    If you think or you realy need them - use either Eastern, or Western, or Complete, but no more than one edition
    - Primo "can't see" FJW files. You put them for nothing
    - fds files are for now totally useless for all iGO versions, not just Primo
    - if you do not particularly like colorful, and do not change themes every moment, than you do not need a bunch of schemes or skins, do not search the Forums and do not overcrowd package

    So, step by step, it's not that complicated, just read and watch carefully and everything will be OK.

    For the vast majority of Chinese devices, no name, little-known devices and/or even in some well-known, the procedure described at the beginning of the post is partially sufficient.
    Only required step is adjust the navigation path to the new software, either on the card or in memory

    All of this does not directly apply to devices that must be unlocked first. I.e. the basic rules are the same, but...
    For some of them, it comes down to accessing the device memory and simply replacing it; some have to use special methods (shell unlockers), either from the card or from internal memory.

    If you are not sure about the correctness of the device or the add-ons and contents, always first try with the basic clean version, with mandatory files, only one map (fbl file) and one - enclosed (eng) language
    Last edited by Boki; 13th October 2023 at 08:47 AM. Reason: updated links
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
    NO ONE IS A SEER, READ (click on): [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] <- Click!
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] <- Click!

    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

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