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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    NUVI Mio spirit 7500lm very slow after maps update

    I have updated yesterday my Mio Spirit 7500LM with the latest map for all Europe , using Mio Desktop software. After update the route calculation is very very slow and if I insert a major city or any adress ( from any country ) which is located at more than 600-700km the device will calculate 10-20 minutes and after that when you select any route type ( fast, economic....) it shows a message : "" Route cannot be calculated "" and you have only the possibility to press the OK button for exit the calculation. Before this update , with the old maps the device has worked perfect. I have purchased it in Nov 2015 and I had no problems in the past with the device. It is a very good gps . Also I have updated yesterday the WNRO to have correct date/time in the device and I'm not using any microSD card. The maps of Europe all saved in the internal memory of the device. What can I do ? Please help me.

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  3. #2
    Master janch's Avatar
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    My opinion on this is that Mio obviously doesn't have enough system resources due to a "poor" hardware to calculate long routes. Maps are becoming more and more detailed with every update and that takes tool on time and system resources when calculating routes, which also depends on complexity of the calculation algorithm of a Mio software. The same case is with some old Garmin nuvi's running latest maps. If I were you I would unlock this Mio and install iGO Primo with the latest HERE maps. I'm sure that Primo is a perfect match for a device like Mio 7500. If you need any support on this, please let me know I can help you. You will not lose anything, and you can gain a completely new experience in navigation.



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