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  1. #11
    Member Is there a way to replace a .typ file with a modified .typ file directly in the gmapsupp.img?Is there a way to replace a .typ file with a modified .typ file directly in the gmapsupp.img?
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    Quote Originally Posted by catymag View Post
    use now the new GMaptool
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    Sorry i´m newbie for this maybe but...

    I do not understand how this works... where i put new TYP file.
    I open image but how it know which TYP file i want use ? it not ask nothing
    Last edited by Paveli; 24th July 2013 at 08:38 PM.

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  3. #12
    Important User Is there a way to replace a .typ file with a modified .typ file directly in the gmapsupp.img?
    Is there a way to replace a .typ file with a modified .typ file directly in the gmapsupp.img?Is there a way to replace a .typ file with a modified .typ file directly in the gmapsupp.img?Is there a way to replace a .typ file with a modified .typ file directly in the gmapsupp.img?Is there a way to replace a .typ file with a modified .typ file directly in the gmapsupp.img?Is there a way to replace a .typ file with a modified .typ file directly in the gmapsupp.img?Is there a way to replace a .typ file with a modified .typ file directly in the gmapsupp.img?Is there a way to replace a .typ file with a modified .typ file directly in the gmapsupp.img?
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    TYP file is like a skin for your map, you can modify it with a TYP editor, after that you can replace with GmapTool the original TYP embedded in the .img, with the one you created starting from the original one, with TYP Editor ,like explained above.
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    credits for the video: Santosan
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

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