The unzipped 7 Gb downloaded file corresponding to the whole Bulgaria weights 32 Gb ! Incredible, no ?
Hello sallin,
meanwhile I downloaded the map, 7,03 gig, puh, it took 4 days with my slowly internet connection. The install.bat is correctly included in the archive and includes the following commands, you can just copy via a texteditor to your empty install.bat file:
echo off
echo -
echo -
echo - This batch will install map for Mapsource
echo -
echo - Map: "BGtopoVJ-v3.00"
echo - FID: 20120
echo - PID: 1
echo -
echo - Press Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to abort.
echo -
if exist "%~dp0BGtopoVJ.img" goto :INSTREG
echo Compiling preview map.
if not exist "C:/Program Files (x86)/cGPSmapper/cgpsmapper.exe" goto :COMPPATH
"C:/Program Files (x86)/cGPSmapper/cgpsmapper.exe" "BGtopoVJ.mp"
cgpsmapper "BGtopoVJ.mp"
if exist "%~dp0BGtopoVJ.img" goto :INSTREG
echo File missing: BGtopoVJ.img, aborting install.
exit 1
echo Adding registry keys.
set KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Garmin\MapSource
if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 goto key_ok
set KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Garmin\MapSource
reg ADD %KEY%\Families\FAMILY_20120 /v ID /t REG_BINARY /d 984E /f
reg ADD %KEY%\Families\FAMILY_20120 /v TYP /t REG_SZ /d "%~dp0BGtopoVJ.TYP" /f
reg ADD %KEY%\Families\FAMILY_20120\1 /v Loc /t REG_SZ /d "%~dp0\" /f
reg ADD %KEY%\Families\FAMILY_20120\1 /v Bmap /t REG_SZ /d "%~dp0BGtopoVJ.img" /f
reg ADD %KEY%\Families\FAMILY_20120\1 /v Tdb /t REG_SZ /d "%~dp0BGtopoVJ.tdb" /f
exit 0
Kind regards Wabu
The unzipped 7 Gb downloaded file corresponding to the whole Bulgaria weights 32 Gb ! Incredible, no ?
The map is a raster map and what they forgot to do (maybe they don't have the tools to do) is, to remove all the noise from the scanning inside the coloured areas. So all water, meadows a.s.o. require a much bigger amount of memory. You even can see the different types of blue e.g. in the Black Sea from the different scan runs. Thats why this map takes such a big amount of memory.The degree of detailisation however is very high, it looks like 25K. So if you need a detailed topo map of Bulgaria you will learn to like the big size of the map. One further disadvantage is that there is only one in one scale included. I found it can be used only between 700m up to 150m zoom in Mapsource (with highest resolution) - below and above gives useless maps.
Last edited by Wabu; 23rd September 2012 at 05:41 PM.