In which directory on the Nuvi have you put the topo map?
Hi, I have a new 3790T, I have unlocked garmin topo v3 for australia on 4 gig and on 16 gig sd card, my garmin 62s can see and enable map on both cards.
I only have a problem with the Nuvi, where it cannot see the the new map.
Just to add i have Oztopo 2.1 running on sd without fault on 62s wich can be seen by nuvi and will accept the "tick' , BUT the Oztopo seems to make NO difference to my nuvi, yet it works and maps are ok on 62s, (confusing)
Well i guess my question is, Do any of the maps work ok on the Nuvi??
and if anyone has had success please let me know, i reckon i may be missing something.
In which directory on the Nuvi have you put the topo map?
Hi bugger1,
try this workflow:
1. create folder 'map' on your sd card.
2. save your maps in this folder (names can be: 'g1.img, g2.img, etc.etc). if your maps are locked save unlock files in this folder as well (g1.unl, g2.unl etc. etc.)
This works on my nuvi 3790T, the only diffrerence is i'm using 4gb sd card