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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default BlueChart Pacific question regarding eTrex Vista® HCx

    I'm a noob to GPS's and this site in particular and if someone can help me it would be appreciated.
    I am about to purchase an Etrex Vista HCx on which I want to load BlueChart Pacific. My question is which Bluechart Pacific will load onto the GPS? I have Mapsource loaded onto my laptop and HomePort also. I understand early versions of BlueChart will load into Mapsource but later versions will only load into HomePort and I wondered if there was a problem loading any versions of BlueChart into an Etrex Vista?
    Any advice please?
    Last edited by Ballebar; 15th October 2010 at 07:31 AM. Reason: Moved post from maps section and changed thread title

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  3. #2



    You should use [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. It's the latest one and the product series is discontinued by Garmin. New charts are BlueChart g2 & BlueChart g2 Vision and they aren't suitable for eTrex Vista® HCx.
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    Install the BlueChart Pacific in MapSource and transfer the appropriate map segments to your eTrex Vista unit. Unlock in MapSource (Ctrl+U) with [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] using your unit ID and the MapID 357.




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