It won't work...I have tried. If you're already using an unlocked gmapprom.img, the GMA file is not needed with *City Navigator* maps. Not so with the newer cityXplorer maps. They can be unlocked using the available unlockers and they will work fine as an unlocked map but the EPM will not be available without the GMA file for that particular mapset tied to your unit's "unit ID" number. Even if you generate an unlock code with all the proper parameters, EPM will not be available on new units like the 37xx series which are GMA aware. The maps may unlock using a .unl file with the proper unlock code but the maps won't authenticate without the proper GMA file. In this case, there are two possible error messages that can be displayed:
1. Cannot Unlock Maps
2. Cannot Authenticate Maps
The first message requires the proper unlock code (of course)
The second message requires the properly generated (for the mapset/unit ID) GMA file
As mentioned, *unlocked* maps (unlocked with the unlocker) will work but they lose the EPM ability.