no sorry, did is not supported by this version, u must have a andoird phone. (i think)
no sorry, did is not supported by this version, u must have a andoird phone. (i think)
proud owner of a N8 and a N97
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I'm using NDrive_3.4.23 for my N95
Software installed perfectly and when it starts it shows maps but the problem is only the text showing in my mobile.
Why is it showing ???? ????(like this question marks) instead of text.
Any suggestion, ur help is highly appreciated.
^^ in that case u have the wrong language file with that version.
proud owner of a N8 and a N97
then please press the add reputation button
start the keygen, press getnew (top right), then acces the generated code in to your phone, after this u get your deviceid and the map code (u ned to scroll sometimes) on your phone and that u enter into the on generate, the code of the map looks like TA-EUR-BENELUX-*-2009.06 and that all u must enter then.
proud owner of a N8 and a N97
then please press the add reputation button
Hi Superg, thanks for the reply. However, that looks like for the iPhone. The problem many of us including myself have is unable to input the serial# after selecting the map->web->input serial number for Symbian OS. All I can input is the "#". Thanks again!!!
Last edited by DMak81; 7th December 2009 at 04:44 PM.
Had problem inputing the serial numbers for the maps in 3.5.18 on my Nokia N82. Downgraded to 3.4.23. I was able to input the serial number but the voice and fonts don't seem to work. It gave some kind of voice error then application terminates. I manage to fix the voice by copying over the voice from the 3.5.18 and place it on the 3.4.23. NDrive now startup with ???.???.??? fonts. I used the same method of copying over the fonts from 3.5.18 to 3.4.23 but no luck. Any idea guys?
if u get ?????????.???? then the voice version isn't the version of the prg. look for the correct voice version.
proud owner of a N8 and a N97
then please press the add reputation button