Road map - Egypt North / West / roadmap - Egypt
The card was from version 2 spot and calibrated to numerous attractions enriched. The accuracy is 0.5 - 2km, what a card this scale is sufficient. Inaccuracies come mainly from the template for this card. Especially in the area of the western desert sand dunes and vote only in the source areas of several kilometers. Along the desert road (Flood 10) to the Farafra oasis
Sep. 2005 vs. 2.0
City Map - Alexandria - Egypt / El Iskanderia City Map - Egypt
The map was based on a satellite map and therefore contains only a few main road. It can only be used for guidance. Attractions and dive sites were accurately added. The calibration was from version 1.1 locally made and the accuracy is at roads around 50m.
vs. 1.1
City Map - Cairo - Egypt / City Map Cairo - Egypt
The card contains all the districts as well as a portion of Giza. Starting with Version 2 was the card spot calibrated. The accuracy is approximately ~ 25m
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