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  1. #1
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    Default About Garmin gps.

    Can you add a zoom command in any file,
    So you can see + and - on the screen,
    and press these, so you can change zoom out,
    and the map still moves under the car icon?
    (The car remains in the same place on the map,
    and the map moves "under" the car, Direction of travel "up".)
    Last edited by Boki; 9th October 2024 at 06:37 PM. Reason: approved

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. About Garmin gps.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nisse View Post
    Can you add a zoom command in any file,
    So you can see + and - on the screen,
    and press these, so you can change zoom out,
    Not at all sure what you mean by the first sentence. Certainly, on any map screen you should already have the zoom (+ and -) buttons available.

    .... and the map still moves under the car icon?
    (The car remains in the same place on the map,
    and the map moves "under" the car, Direction of travel "up".)
    On any dedicated automotive device, you should be able to be able to select Track Up in Settings so that the map "moves under the car icon" with the track being vertical after each turn. That's opposed to the usual orientation, i.e. having North Up where the car moves on the map (but the map still 'moves' with north at top of screen as the route proceeds).

    State exactly what you mean by "any file" and the give the model of device you have should you need more assistance.
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  4. #3
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    Hello. Thanks for reply.
    I have to give up on this.
    Called garmin, and they answered
    that this possibility no longer exists.

    He would at least mention it
    to a higher place.
    So who knows, maybe possible in the future..

    ("in any file", I meant, if possible,
    to put a command in any ".ini file/sys file")
    Sorry my English is very poor :-)

  5. #4
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    Yes indeed. Garmin's modern protected firmware and its closed proprietary OS precludes such manipulation. We can only muddle around on the surface with some files and regions.
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