The image must contain a geotag. not just any picture
I searched a lot but cannot find the answer to this simple question. I'm sure I read it once here on the forum.
How can I make plan a route from a photo ?
I have ux in the ux folder but when I go to plan a new route one of the options is from picture I cannot tab on it, does not work.
Where should the photos be placed ?
Last edited by rider; 10th March 2024 at 05:30 PM.
The image must contain a geotag. not just any picture
Yes, I understand that, pictures I have has geotags but where to put them ?
Tried all that but nothing works.
I don't use a special UX. But I have the following entry in the sys.txt:
Of course, the pictures must be in the listed directory and the name of the directory, for me the SD card, must be right.
That works for me igo Israel and basarsoft
@ noknoi
Pity, that did not work also.
Maybe it does not work with my version iGO_NextGen_9.18.27.687519_SD.apk
Are you using some skin?
Complete software us in mSD? You must adjust sys file very carefully
And yes, it can be up to the apk itself
Pongo skin...
You should have started from that info and you should 've asked that question in skin discussion topic
Those who use and are well versed in Pongo skin should guide you
But, again, you didn't answer all the questions in my previous post
Not adjusted sys and an inadequate apk make the difference