Spoiler: ISRAEL 2023.04 ABOUT
To the Israeli audience:
There was no announcement by NNG about more recent maps than 2021.06 nor what improvements were made until 2023.04.
In addition, I watched a large radius to find updates and corrections to the places that make the most sense and are committed to be carried out a long long time ago, and I did not find any.
Did you find any? Share it with us (and always better with screenshots).
Inside the Attached File, you will find the LINK TO DOWNLOAD FBL 2023.04 MAPS.RAR and the password to extract it.
What is it worth, if you have the latest maps of IL but not the latest speedcams?
Take it from [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
Last edited by kwbs; 28th December 2023 at 10:07 AM.
Last edited by batiskaf; 28th September 2023 at 04:51 AM.
Mister batiskaf, Nonsense yourself!
Is it so funny for you that NNG did not inform the public about new maps on its main Israeli website (which still exists) and that it has not updated anything there since 2021.06?
So laugh batiskaf, laugh as much as you want with any emoji illustration that fits your personality.
AGAIN, Nonsense yourself!
Comparison between the size of the files doesn't always indicate what you expect from it.
We've already encountered over the years and not once, in some kind of NNG's updates that changed the size of the files but nothing dramatic was updated, so this is the ABOUT I attributed to it.
NNG, as a regular practice, publishes a list of cities, roads, intersections, streets, new neighborhoods and where it has updated the maps, and in this update it does not have such a list to be proud of.
Look at this SPOILER example: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
Any way mr. batiskaf - Nice "paint job"!
Last edited by kwbs; 17th June 2024 at 07:55 AM.
What does NNG have to do with, mapping in Israel has always been done by its parent company GPS & More, and it does not occur to you that this update was released for automotive head devices, and not for a store? And comparing .fbl files always shows that if their sizes are different, then the information contained in them is different, you confuse the file size and its hash...
And in general, I ask the administration to remove it is not clear why the created Thread: "ISRAEL 2023.04 ABOUT"
Last edited by batiskaf; 28th September 2023 at 11:13 AM.
Well ,it is known that HERE(i don't care who in particular make different types of maps ,they are published by here"EUROPE_HERE_2023-Q2") does not update maps very well I fact in my travels across europe i find manny different junction, roads and pois wich are different from what map shows For that reasson i advice always to keep an eye on the sign
If you travel in romania using iGO you will have a big surprise ,he make route thru a highway wich dosen't exist yet
But all in all iGO do the job for what was built ,guidance from point A to point B and sometimes multipoint routes
Last edited by cristianyxtl; 28th September 2023 at 02:50 PM.
Here is the Israeli page in NNG site: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
Its main NNG address is in IL: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
It contains navngo
We, the Israeli users, for many many years, have always called and addressed iGO as NNG.
This is what we were used to.
Is that what bothers you so much batiskaf?
Sorry, but that's none of your business and your "always" is not always the "right always".
You are creating an idle commotion here and for nothing
Last edited by kwbs; 15th December 2023 at 08:56 AM.
Israel poi 2023.04_230614
2023.04 poi file = 22,114,508 bytes I don't know what's different, you can try it
Spoiler: link
Last edited by HEGJ; 29th September 2023 at 03:59 AM.
I missed your response. Sorry...
Where did you get this poi 2023.04 file from?
Last update was: Israel_GM_2023.05_230622.poi
2023.05poi file = 22,036,480 bytes
OK. Not that it actually matters so much and is essential to the map of Israel now days, it is sometimes, just the practice of trying to be more accurate.
Last edited by kwbs; 2nd July 2024 at 05:10 PM.