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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Derby, UK
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    Default TTS Problems with Android 11

    Hi All
    I have a van and a car, both with an Android headunit. The Vans Headunit runs on Android 10 and the cars runs on Android 11.

    I have the same Igo Luna with Pongo skin installed on both and have working TTS on the Android 10 unit but cant get it to work on the Android 11 unit.

    The Android 10 is set up as follows;
    Igo Luna Pongo, with universal UK english zip in the voices folder of IGO
    Vocalizer EX2 folder on root of device, downloaded from freedomScientific website "vocaliser Expressive Vertsion2"
    Vocaliser e2.tts apk installed from here and voice downloaded and embedded.

    This works well.

    My Android 11 is a different matter. Setting it up the same way and the voices dont work. When running the Vocaliser e2.tt app it tells me that the app was designed for an earlier version of Android and may not work. In fact it caused the android settings app to keep crashing when i pressed the text to speak output setting so that I had to reset the device back to factory settings to stop the device crashing.

    I removed the vacaliser app and the vacaliser EX2 folder from the root drive and installed vocaliser TTS Voice from the code factory through google playstore, bought a UK voice and tried this but the TTS voice in IGO still didnt work.

    I realised there was no vocaliser folder now in the root of the android and thought this may be the reason the IGO tts wasnt working and had a look on the freedomscientific website but couldnt see a download option for the new vocaliser version. EX2 seems to be their most recent option.

    Has anyone else had problems with Android 11, what am I doing wrong.


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  3. #2
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    Unpacking the archive with the voices to the Root of the device or SD, you should get an example: \VocalizerEx2\english_ava_premium-high_1-0-1_usa
    Install the APK, go to the speech synthesis settings and select VocalizerEx 2, specify the path to the voice, listen to an example of speech...
    Spoiler: APK
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    Spoiler: Eng Premium high
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    P.S. At the moment Ava premium high is considered the best English voice in VocalizerEx2.
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    Last edited by batiskaf; 21st October 2022 at 04:41 AM.

  4. #3
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    There was no need to install anything from other forums or playstore.
    If you followed the link from "Boki_Srb" you would have found the TTS Engine Code Factory Vocalizer 3.4.3. (In your question about the English TTS)
    With this app you can download the voices you need directly.
    And disable Google Play Protect
    But I suspect that you made a mistake in the TTS system settings

    I checked the English TTS post again, and it looks like you had the Vocalizer 3.4.3 crk installed?
    Last edited by Golom; 27th October 2022 at 03:49 PM.

  5. #4
    Join Date
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    Derby, UK
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    I did download the tts engine from that post. My trouble was that when I installed it on the device, it said it was installed but no option to open it.
    When I then went to my device homescreen, the app did not show to press and run.
    If I go to apps in settings it was on the list but no option to run.
    That's why I downloaded the vocalised from the playstore.
    It seems to be working now Albeit it has a English US files in the vocalizer ex2 folder on the root and not a UK version. Not sure of that will make a difference to the operation.

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derbychris View Post
    When I then went to my device homescreen, the app did not show to press and run.
    This is normal if you don't install from playstore.
    The button is then somewhat hidden in the menu



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