Do any of you have a WinCe ux plug with a blinking diricon.
Or scripts and can help.
... thanks, but this is for NextGen, and I was asking for the Wince system
You mean for Primo
Nextgen ux are (almost) the same for Android and WinCE
Be precise in your requests, edit the post. Otherwise, you will not get what you need and the topic may be deleted
... if they were almost, I wouldn't write for the script request. I used almost every possible means and there are still bugs. That's why I asked this question.
Again - you're confusing terms
WinCE is a system and it is not Windows Mobile.
The first time you asked a question was in the NextGen section.
NextGen is software - exists for Android, iOS, WinCE, Windows Embedded compact 7 and also for MIPS architecture.
Primo is also software.
So, again - BE ACCURATE.