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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    help Installation problem

    Hello everyone

    I tried to install and run iGo Primo on my Chinese Android head unit, but without any success.
    Sometimes it shows Error: user interface resolution 1024x600 is not supported ...etc., and when I tried to solve this issue, it works but with black screen, so I can only hear the voice navigator.
    I tried many versions in this forum, without any improvement.
    I have several Chinese head units, and tried those versions on them, and they worked perfectly. So the problem exists only with this unit.

    Please help me if I can run this app on this version of the head unit or not, before suggesting any further solutions.

    Quad-core T3 p1
    Screen size: 1024x600

    Model: T5.3.19-150-10-C06101-190311
    Version: V8.1.2_20191114.220310_SPX2-FD-N6502-AA-Q
    Andriod version: 10
    API level: 29
    Build ID: t3_p1-eng 8.1.0 OPM1.17109.026 20191113-181958
    Kernel version: 4.9.56 (20191113-181958)

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by menber; 16th October 2021 at 03:28 PM.

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  3. #2
    Master janch's Avatar
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