Spoiler: photo
... here is the corrected kml
Spoiler: link
Instructios in archive
For different methane - lpg icons on map replace .zip from "no frame on map" archive
Tested and working
Spoiler: MAP 05.07.21
To display POI on computer paste the kml file from userdata/poi to this online tooll:Spoiler: Drive
Spoiler: POIs IN CITY
Updated 07.07.21
Last edited by spyder; 12th July 2021 at 12:09 PM.
Spoiler: photo
... here is the corrected kml
Spoiler: link
Last edited by Boki; 4th July 2021 at 09:50 PM. Reason: corrected image link, and unhided
Please don't make a mess. The posted file works perfectly with the utility, yours is unusable.
.. please explain why you say it is useless.
Google earth encountered errors opening kml.
Since there were four in the poem, it was fixed.
But I see you've been hit by me.
In NextGen it will work fine and I will agree.
The utility is for LUNA, skin Pongo and Arimi. The image is in svg format.
I've checked the csv file and converted in kml, then I made some change in code to make it work with the posted utility. Your kml may be correct but it don't work with the utility and certainly I don't want to waste time figuring out why. This is your problem.
I hope this talk ends here
it is confirmed the kml file does not load in google earth ,
igo may be less demanding
the name fields are not correctly structured, a good part commute with quotes only at the beginning of the string
whether it is important or not, once the situation is restored, the file does not load (still in G.E) with an error message
the problem is that in two lines semicolon are missing at the end of the string for the last extended code which should be of the form &#xxxx;
line 1056 column 145: <name>Babaevo (RU0271) Бабаевское ЛПУМГ</name>
line 12083 column 87: <name>Volgograd (RU0280) Ul. 40 Let ВЛКСМ</name>
last error detected at
line 14318 column 152: <name>Bila Cerkva (UA0137) улица без названи&</name>
Another note about the installation instructions:
Delete the file "poi_visiblities_save.txt" in save/profiles/01.
it is totally unnecessary to remove the poi_visiblities.txt from the save folder, this is a file containing the user's personal display choices, deleting it will force the user to completely reconfigure their previous choices
Last edited by lunapark; 4th July 2021 at 11:50 PM.
"..deleting it will force the user to completely reconfigure their previous choices...":
Huge two minute work
it is true that when we remove the poi_visiblities.txt from the save folder, igo recreates it from the default folder, however what must be taken into account is that the one proposed is in an ux, except when the uxs are loaded in memory this is done in a certain order depending on the name given to the ux and the dependencies listed in each info.ini, nothing can guarantee that another ux (with a poi_visiblities.txt) is not loaded after that methane making it permanently impossible to display the new ECO ENERGY icons while maintaining the recommended method.
this is quite relevant when you only select a few main categories, but when your choice stops on very specific elements contained in the subcategories, and you have to browse the entire tree to select only what 'we want on the screen, it takes more than two minutesOriginally Posted by spyder
it is as if we told you that each time you change the appearance of your vehicle you are forced to redefine in detail all its dimensional parameters as well as the characteristics of the conduct and a whole set of other related values
we must admit that by force it would become forbidding and we would end up admitting that it is absurd.
it is quite possible to do without the grayed out form since the category will always have to be activated, just put the colored svg directly in userdat / usericon and add the information directly in the KML
I agree that it does not make it possible to differentiate the map icon from that of the list of choices, but it will avoid many manipulations
Without wanting to criticize goodwill, it is all the same become a bad habit to want for anything and everything to do UX whose design is not necessarily mastered, especially since this generally brings more constraints for the user, and causes incompatibilities of cohabitation between UX.
Last edited by lunapark; 5th July 2021 at 03:25 PM.