speedcam.spdb is only created with the contents of TXT and SPB files.
SPC files are coded and used as is without the need for conversion for (and by) IGO, and require a suitable license for it in the corresponding country
The entry you suggested in sys does not work, speedcams are not visible, speedcam.spdb is not created from United_States_HERE_2020.Q4_210331.spcSpoiler: Lockito
Last edited by batiskaf; 1st July 2021 at 06:54 PM.
speedcam.spdb is only created with the contents of TXT and SPB files.
SPC files are coded and used as is without the need for conversion for (and by) IGO, and require a suitable license for it in the corresponding country
Try this...
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Sorry to break the mood, but ...
Code:Please Login or Register to see the links
usa_style_speedlimit represents a list of country codes which are separated by a comma
the possible elements are the values by country or empty string, but not value 0
otherwise its definition would be
sc_GetSysEntry("content_dependent_countrycode", "usa_style_speedlimit", 0)
Code:Please Login or Register to see the links
Last edited by lunapark; 2nd July 2021 at 03:26 AM.
Friends, unfortunately, none of the proposed entries in sys allows you to see speedcams on the map, speedcam.spdb is formed...Spoiler: Lockito:
I was looking through the file extensions in the FEUR and NA content, and found an extension in North America that is not available in Europe .gap, maybe this is speedcam for NA, .gap needs to be decrypted and create a new UX speedcam_NA.zip is needed to display them on the map?
Last edited by batiskaf; 4th July 2021 at 12:32 AM.
In short, without .gap files are all cameras registered in speedcamsUSA.txt are visible on the map, so there are two options: or without .gap, or decode and make cameras in .gapSpoiler: Without .gap
Last edited by batiskaf; 4th July 2021 at 10:58 AM.
this could very well be due to a restriction imposed in the program specifically for certain regions of the world (for mysterious geopolitical or commercial reasons)In Europe maps no .gap file and all works with texts, why must gaps be necessary for US maps?
this can come from a mechanism for excluding .txt to privilege .gap fileswithout .gap files are all cameras registered in speedcamsUSA.txt.txt are visible on the map
as long as equivalents for European countries are not available, it is not possible to assert anything with certainty on the coexistence of the two formats