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  1. #21
    Important User Sectional or Average Speed Alert?
    Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?
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    Neil can you check again with ..1s.gpi? I'm seeing it ok on SP. Every alerts was working going north and none activate going south. Also do you think it's better to have a different tone indicating end of section?

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  3. #22
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Sectional or Average Speed Alert?
    Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?
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    Still no joy with the nuvi 40. Re-downloaded the rar file, extracted gpi file hashes match with the previous but replaced it anyway. Absolutely nothing shows again in the 40. Copied it over to a nuvi 1350 and get ding dong and this:

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    Checked southbound, no false alert this time.
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  4. #23
    Important User Sectional or Average Speed Alert?
    Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?
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    So it's look like something is odd bout your Nuvi40? That's interesting that the ...1m.gpi works on Nuvi40.

    Edit: Ohhhhhh I know why!!! I bet your Nuvi40 couldn't handle alert circle. 1s.gpi uses alert circle (hence the 's' for single alert) while 1m.gpi use no alert circle and multiple alerts (hence the 'm' for multiple alerts)
    Last edited by osiris4isis; 3rd October 2015 at 12:19 PM.

  5. #24
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Sectional or Average Speed Alert?
    Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?
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    Co-incidentally had to hard reset the 40 following crash error from ID JVC testing so thought i'd have another go with it. Same AustraliaSection1s.gpi file was still onboard and this time it works exactly the same as it did in the 1350:

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    No false alert southbound.

    Seems some problem was retained from prior testing. Lesson learned, clear Nonvol or hard reset after each test to be sure.
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  6. #25
    Important User Sectional or Average Speed Alert?
    Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?Sectional or Average Speed Alert?
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    Thanks Neil, good info and lesson.



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