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  1. #1
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    Default Large display MPH read-out only unit?

    Hey folks,

    This seemed like the best place to ask. I am looking for a GPS unit to mount to a 4 wheeler which makes lawn weed-control applications and needs to travel at a certain speed (say 6.5mph).

    I'm looking for a GPS which doesn't have tons of features (doesn't even need to track/map) but it needs to be acccurate and have a good size MPH read-out. Weather resistant would be a plus but it won't be left outside. Can you all offer any suggestions? Found a lot on google but no one really seemed to have any solutions. Thanks a bunch!

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  3. #2
    Navigation software expert Large display MPH read-out only unit?
    Large display MPH read-out only unit?Large display MPH read-out only unit?Large display MPH read-out only unit?
    Giomen's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
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    If you do not limited in budget you may look towards Garmin marine or aviation unit because its have Built-in high-sensitivity 10 Hz Garmin GPS/GLONASS receiver and you can see changing of speed more often and precisely. Also the external antenna is desired for good precision and stability. On all these device there is window (page) with very big digit for speed on screen only.

    Garmin GLO is more cheaper but it is required an addition iPad, iPhone or Android device with navigation program.
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?



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