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  1. #41
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    About QuickGPSfix

    Click here to see which products/categories this applies to.

    Your navigation device uses the signals of at least 4 satellites to get a GPS fix and determine your starting location. This can take longer when the GPS signal is weak or partially blocked.

    When using QuickGPSfix, a feature only available to TomTom customers, your navigation device retains information about where the GPS satellites will be for the next 7 days. Your navigation device can then calculate where you are very quickly and with only a weak GPS signal.

    If you have a connected device that receives TomTom Services through your Smartphone or a built-in SIM card, you receive automatic updates for QuickGPSfix as soon as they are available. For Smartphone Connected devices you need to connect to a compatible Smartphone in order to receive updates.
    Updating QuickGPSfix with MyDrive Connect

    When a new QuickGPSfix file is available you will see it in your list of updates. To install it, make sure it's ticked and then click Update Selected.

    Note that some devices download QuickGPSfix automatically in the background as soon as you connect to the computer and open MyDrive Connect.

    Updating QuickGPSfix with TomTom HOME

    When a new QuickGPSfix file is available you will see it in your list of updates. To install it, make sure it's ticked and then click Update and install.

    All info can be found here:

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Last edited by asprin624; 10th April 2020 at 03:33 PM.

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  3. #42
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    thanks for the reply, you explain exactly what I thought it did.... but why?

    as I say the PC GPS dongle locks 10 satellites the millisecond its plugged in.... you can see it all live every time. I have never been in a car with built in Nav that's doesn't know where it is??? But I have had lots of tomtom devices wasting my life "pretending" it can't find them since 2006

    so what happens if I install the fix but don't use the device for a while and when I do I wasn't able or can't get the new fix file, surely its worse than never having it.... as its continuously informing the device to look in exactly the wrong places (so know wonder it struggles)?

  4. #43
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    I think if you want to get better answers then you need to ask this info over at the TomTom Fourm or send an email to the support team at TomTom.

    Been using TomTom Units for a long time and have never ran into any problems with using QuickGPSfix.
    There are times both TomTom and Garmin take a while to get a good GPS fix while setting off in my car.
    But they always lock on with in a minute or so.
    They same hold true for smartphones.
    Any tool that helps is better than nothing.
    The same with using GPS Status Pro on my smartphone.

    There are many reasons why it might take a bit for a GPS fix.
    GPS Satellites are always moving back and forth for one reason or another.
    Plus ground control moves them to a void things running into to them in space.

    But the bottom line here is they always get you you from Point A to Point B.
    Be it what ever type of GPS unit or smartphone app you use.

    Your quote:

    "so what happens if I install the fix but don't use the device for a while and when I do I wasn't able or can't get the new fix file, surely its worse than never having it.... as its continuously informing the device to look in exactly the wrong places (so know wonder it struggles)?"

    Never ran into that problem at all I would say the same for most user's.
    But there is always exceptions to every rule for one reason or another.

    Have a good day and do not get losted with the wrong GPS data.........now.
    Last edited by asprin624; 11th April 2020 at 07:02 AM.

  5. #44
    TomTom Expert TomTom QuickGPSfix Update Tool
    TomTom QuickGPSfix Update Tool
    biggerdave's Avatar
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    If you DO need to ask TT themselves then go here [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Please do not post "thanks" but use the "reputation" star(*) bottom/left or "like" bottom/left buttons
    S i m p l e s

    PS If you find any dead links on MY posts please pm me & I'll try to fix/reload

  6. #45
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    thanks for the replies :-)

    OK how about this, (I'm referring to an old fossil of a tomtom one 25) there used to be a feature in the tomtom home app that allowed me to enable or disable the use of quick fix.... this changed a while back and the menu is not there to stop using the feature... so its ON and now no ability to say OFF anymore.

    This device has always been flat (as was the one I got for my parents) and the battery always struggles.... then I saw why.... rather than the quick fix being a weekly file informing the device where to look when I needed it, I see what it really does…. if you keep it charged up, it likes to turn itself on randomly and waits till it gets sat lock. if its in a place where it can't see satellites it just runs till the battery is flat... so when you really need it, it needs 3 hours on charge before you turn it on, or its boot often gets very muddled and delayed and you can have a hell of a fight. Keep on top of why its going flat always behaves perfectly.

    This behaviour is something I noticed its does at least once a week after the quick fix menu in tomtom home vanished some years ago... but it probably always did it, just like my parents version of the same device.

    Any thought on that one....? my tomtom bike one is normal if I turn that off its OFF

  7. #46
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    Hi All

    Been on here lurking for ages, but not posted, but now have a problem.

    I have an old TT One XL that I have "fixed" using the file I got from another site that means it will give destination arrival etc. (Iv'e forgotten what it's name is but is called similar to Y2K).

    I update the TT GPS Fix regularly, but when I travel, it works fine for quite some time, BUT, then the screen goes grey and locks up saying the satellites have been lost, and cany get it back on. A reset button press sometimes work.

    Seems a bit strange that it works perfectly for a few hours , then just stops.

    Does anybody else have this, or, have any suggestions please?

    Many thanks
    Last edited by Boki; 21st June 2020 at 03:45 PM. Reason: approved

  8. #47
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    Hi All Been using TT for while and also struggled with gps issues then i just change the navcore to 9.541 and problem disappeared now i have to wait 30 to 60 sec max before i use to drive for couple of hours and still not have fix just have a try and not forget to backup before you change navcore good luck




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