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  1. #1
    Important User Garmin for MAC OS X
    Garmin for MAC OS XGarmin for MAC OS XGarmin for MAC OS XGarmin for MAC OS XGarmin for MAC OS XGarmin for MAC OS XGarmin for MAC OS X
    catymag's Avatar
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    Wink Garmin for MAC OS X

    Garmin just released RoadTrip 2.0.1 (an update to previous ProjectBobcat) for MAC OS X, and it now supports Chinese too
    garmin bobcat

    MAC users can download on
    Please Login or Register to see the links

    Below is the introduction:

    RoadTrip allows you to transfer waypoints, tracks, and routes between your Mac and Garmin device and manage your data using your Garmin maps.
    RoadTrip provides the ability to search for points of interest from the convenience of your Mac and then send the locations to your Garmin GPS.
    MapManager copies maps and unlock codes into the right place to be accessible by RoadTrip and MapInstall. To migrate the maps from your Windows PC, download MapConverter onto your PC and follow the instructions.
    Download and install MapConverter for Windows to convert your unlocked PC maps for use on your Mac.
    System Requirements:
    Intel-based or PowerPC G3 or later Mac
    OS 10.4 or later
    512 MB RAM
    USB port

    Intel-based Mac s^OS
    OS 10.5 or later
    1 GB RAM
    USB port b

    MapConverter for Windows can convert maps and unlock codes on your Windows PC to the Macintosh format. Download link is below:
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    Enjoy, MAC users!!
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  2.    Advertissements

  3. #2


    does this really work

  4. #3


    anyone tested this out yet



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