Free Garmap Rich Points Of Interest Data (without audio alerts)

Comprehensive location-specific listings and information for specific communities, many include POI descriptions, photographs and contact details. Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones paired with compatible Garmin GPS units will allow users to dial many venues directly, to make a reservation at a restaurant, for example. Enhanced POI’s appear on-screen as simple icons, making navigation intuitive and easy.

SafariNow accommodation listings
Dining-OUT restaurant listings
Selected wine estates provided by Wine Magazine
PGA golf courses provided by Compleat Golfer

Compleat Golfer - South Africa: Over 70 of South Africa’s top golf courses. Detail supplied for each course includes address, full contact details and a course description from Compleat Golfer

Dining-OUT - Calling all foodies… Download hundreds of South Africa’s top restaurants. Contact details, trading hours, ambience and average price per person all courtesy of Dining-OUT

Divestyle Magazine - 43 inland and coastal scuba diving schools and sites in Southern Africa. Contact details and descriptions supplied.

JoziKids - Explore a whole new world of kiddie entertainment. Our JoziKids listing details 100 child-oriented, family friendly services and activities in Gauteng. Contact details, address and description supplied.

National Sea Rescue Institute - You never know when you will need help. 31 coastal and inland NSRI sites listed with contact details.

Peter’s Guides - Explore the Kruger and Kgalagadi National Parks with Peter Derichs. Find and identify trees, shrubs, geology and historical places. Content supplied by Peter Derichs.

Run Walk for Life - Walk the talk with 74 Run Walk for Life clubs nationwide. Contact details as well as schedules supplied

SafariNow - For the travel weary. Download 9000 detailed accommodation listings from SafariNow. Booking line included!

SANParks - Bosveld toe! A must have for anyone visiting 15 National Parks in Southern Africa. Detail supplied for each park includes entrance gates, viewing sites, day visitor sites, rest camps, picnic areas, parking and much more

Sky Diving - Take the plunge! Nine parachuting clubs nationwide with contact details and a description of the services offered

Wine Magazine - More than 120 wine estates hand picked by Wine Magazine – a must for any wine lover! Enjoy a detailed description, photo and contact details for each estate.

Yoga - Can’t do without yoga? Find a professional yoga teacher wherever you are. Information supplied by the Yoga Teachers Fellowship.

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