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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Navigon 40 Plus Map upgrade probs, help plz!

    Hi guys im about to help my neighbour to updrage hes gps, so i downloaded the: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and just simply replaced the "MAP" folders and when its done i restart the gps and get the "application navigon.exe encountered a serious error and must shut down" error when i press on "show map" on the gps, but when i used the back up and just replaced the "sweden.map" the most important map the rest of the world maps working but not the sweden map....

    So i just wonder how to install it all correctly or if someone of u got a complete rip off on the update so you just have to copy and paste it

    Sry for wrong spelling and bad grammar english isnt my standard language.

    Thanks in advance

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  3. #2
    Master janch's Avatar
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    the reason for that error could be because you don't have corresponding .nfs files inside the MAP folder (.nfs files came along with the new maps) or your current software is to old and needs to be updated.



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