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  1. #21
    Navigation software expert Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    lolypop000's Avatar
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    I try to help you to enter internal memory becouse of voice folder, if i found something new about your device i let you know.
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  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by lolypop000 View Post
    I try to help you to enter internal memory becouse of voice folder, if i found something new about your device i let you know.
    Oh, got it - sorry, I had already forgot about that question of mine! As my wife would say "each looney on his own topic" lol! I'll try to see if I can get in there with my laptop through the USB port & I'll let you know. You happen to know what type of USB cable I would need? Apparently for starters, one with 2 male ends???
    Last edited by EuroDriver; 28th December 2013 at 06:17 AM.

  4. #23
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
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    In post #16 you said everything was blank other than paste, but did you have a usb drive connected when you looked at that? Perhaps you can do it thru the File Manager function by simply connecting a usb stick and using copy/paste. Try this: Put your required Voice .vpm and Vehicle .srf files in folders on a usb stick [folder name doesn't matter, but using separate 'Voice' and 'Vehicle' makes sense for easy ID] If the voice files are locked, you'll need .unl files matching the name of the .vpm files as well. In the File Manager screen, it will show the internal disc as '0' and the usb mass storage might be '1'. Maybe it'll then allow you to just copy and paste the files into the internal Voice and Vehicle folders.
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  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by lolypop000 View Post
    Found out that this unit have rear usb port and you must connect your laptop ass external HD

    Look here:

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    I tried with a USB transfer cable, but no luck. I'll try with an older computer (mine is Windows 8.1 and only has USB 3.0 ports - I've had issues with other devices that only like USB 2.0 ports). I'll have to wait until I can get my hands on one...

  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    In post #16 you said everything was blank other than paste, but did you have a usb drive connected when you looked at that? Perhaps you can do it thru the File Manager function by simply connecting a usb stick and using copy/paste. Try this: Put your required Voice .vpm and Vehicle .srf files in folders on a usb stick [folder name doesn't matter, but using separate 'Voice' and 'Vehicle' makes sense for easy ID] If the voice files are locked, you'll need .unl files matching the name of the .vpm files as well. In the File Manager screen, it will show the internal disc as '0' and the usb mass storage might be '1'. Maybe it'll then allow you to just copy and paste the files into the internal Voice and Vehicle folders.
    I tried that last night - I couldn't get it to work

  7. #26
    Important User Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
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    Quote Originally Posted by EuroDriver View Post
    I have been reading through the forum over the past few days looking for information on updating the maps for the Kenwood DNX9990HD.............
    Thanks added to Tutorials Index.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

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  8. #27
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    Wow. Day 2 on here and my post made it to the tutorials!!!

    Well, I did some tinkering and found out the following:

    1) I couldn't load the map without the .gma and .unl file (first I deleted both and said map incompatible. Then I added .gma, same deal. Finally added .unl and it loaded - maybe the .gma file is not needed but it definitely won't work without the .unl file)

    [EDIT: I tried again with the .unl file but without the .gma file and it still did not work - I needed both these files in the root directory for the map to load]

    2) Some files are not necessary - I deleted several files and everything is working fine. You'll notice that among the deleted files are the Insta Search, Fast Routing and ASR folder - the ASR files are for Advanced Speech Recognition which, as Lolypop000 correctly pointed out - this unit does not support speech or Insta Search. The 3D map image file is also unnecessary. I reloaded the map without all these files and everything works perfectly.

    I also added a couple that are referenced in the .xml directory. Here's my new file structure:

    Garmin Folder:
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    G2S Folder (referenced in xml file as "Garmin Adjacency to SSID"):
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    JCV Folder(referenced in xml file as "Preprogrammed Lane Assist" (Junction View)):
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    Pnx Folder (referenced in xml file as "Preprogrammed Phone Number Lookup"):
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    SID Folder (referenced in xml file as "Traffic Trends v3):
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    SQLite Folder (referenced in xml file as "Traffic Trends"):
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    Those are the only ones I decided to add, but according to the xml file, there can also be a POI folder for custom POI's and safety cameras (those files have a .gpi extension). I just didn't care to add any.

    I did try to add custom vehicle icons and voices while reloading the maps but so far I haven't been successful.
    Last edited by EuroDriver; 28th December 2013 at 09:00 PM. Reason: Merged 'em for you to keep the images together. ;)

  9. #28
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
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    The map image file unlocked with gimgunlock doesn't need an *.unl file. Especially so if that file belongs to an earlier map version which has a different FID to the one you're now using.
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  10. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    The map image file unlocked with gimgunlock doesn't need an *.unl file. Especially so if that file belongs to an earlier map version which has a different FID to the one you're now using.
    That makes perfect sense. However, I downloaded the locked map images and unlocked them with gimgunlock. When I tried to reload them on the unit though, it would not accept them until I added the .unl file again. I don't understand why. It would be nice if others posted if they're able to do it without that file.

    Thanks for merging the above posts by the way

    [EDIT: I tried again this morning with the .unl file but withut the .gma file and it does not allow me to load the map - it keeps requiring both files to proceed]
    Last edited by EuroDriver; 28th December 2013 at 08:58 PM.

  11. #30
    Navigation software expert Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    lolypop000's Avatar
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    I found how to extract setup for your unit

    I found only 1 keyboard, .gir file ( icone inside ), all text file but no Voice folder.

    Will upload this

    Maybe in Setup mode you can see over Pc your unit internal hdd.

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    Last edited by lolypop000; 28th December 2013 at 01:41 PM.
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