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  1. #81
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    Garmin 720 - 16 Gb, klass 10 - O.K.

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  3. #82
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    What is the max memory of the SD card for nuvis 7x0/7x5 ? - I have a 755T
    Is there a limit of 4GB or 8GB - has anybody tried bigger SD: 16GB or 32GB or ... 64GB (always on 7x0/7x5, I mean)?

    MOD note : moved to the proper thread
    Last edited by georgev; 7th November 2013 at 01:49 PM.

  4. #83
    Member + Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ? tli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgev View Post
    What is the max memory of the SD card for nuvis 7x0/7x5 ? - I have a 755T
    Is there a limit of 4GB or 8GB - has anybody tried bigger SD: 16GB or 32GB or ... 64GB (always on 7x0/7x5, I mean)?
    I don't know the specifics for the 7xx series, but in general, all nuvi that has a SD slot should support SD/SDHC cards up to 32GB. Any Speed Class of 2/4/6/10 should be fine. However, I would avoid the newer UHS SDcards as I have had problems with them in the nuvis.

    More info:

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    Last edited by Neil; 7th November 2013 at 09:10 PM. Reason: code links.

  5. #84
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    Just as an addition to that helpful and correct info:

    Generally speaking in spite of what Garmin say, you can probably use any size of SD/microSD card in a nuvi. That includes cards over 32GB [exFAT format] which have been reformatted to FAT32 using third party software [you can't do that with Windows]. Garmin says maximum for 7x5 is 16GB and that's simply not correct. My 765 happily reads a 64GB in FAT32. The problems with large cards arise because they can be loaded with lots of map data so it is then easy to exceed the maximum map family and map tile limits of the unit. Outdoor units do have a much higher tile limit compared to nuvis but you can still exceed them using very large cards. In general, there's not much point going above 16GB for use with nuvis imo.

    At the base of Post #1 it shows Garmin's official table with member's corrections in red. The corrections show the maximum size confirmed to work in various units, not the absolute largest card which the unit is capable to read from and write to.
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  6. #85
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    Yes, map tile limit is reached whereabouts 16 GB on my Montana so that my device can't read all topo maps on a 32 GB SD card.

    But, if you use JNX maps, it doen't seem to have a map tile limit, because I have a 64 GB SD card filled with 50 GB of JNX which are all well displayed on my Montana.

    May be, 1 JNX counts for 1 map tile ?

  7. #86
    GPSPower Helper Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    My 3460 (updated to firmware 8.1) cannot read a SanDisk Ultra 64GB micro SDXC I class 10, formatted as exFAT.
    As I read in Giomen and Neil posts, the trouble is only I must format to FAT 32; how I do this, format it as FAT 32? When I try to format I only have the option exFAT...
    I can use my device as a card reader, just none of the maps appear in maps select; the same files function in micro SDHC 32 class 4.
    Thanks for all expertize I seem here!

    Edit: Solved! Thanks!
    Last edited by Pungente; 8th March 2014 at 09:02 PM.
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  8. #87
    Important User Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    try this
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  9. #88
    Navigation software expert Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    You need create a fat32 partition for card more than 32Gb. Read this thread for example:
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  10. #89
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    I've found this good for formatting SDXC cards from exFAT to FAT32:
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  11. #90
    Navigation software expert Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    I've found this good for formatting SDXC cards from exFAT to FAT32:
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    You are not alone - it is best solution under link above
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?



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