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    Default Convert US 3597 to South American Unit?

    I have a US 3597 unit, it is posible to convert it to South America Unit, to get all the maps files automatically updated?

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Convert US 3597 to South American Unit?
    Convert US 3597 to South American Unit?Convert US 3597 to South American Unit?Convert US 3597 to South American Unit?Convert US 3597 to South American Unit?Convert US 3597 to South American Unit?Convert US 3597 to South American Unit?Convert US 3597 to South American Unit?
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    Aug 2011
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    No. Your 3597 is localised to US, it's LM entitlement is for NA maps and there is no known way to change that. The most you can do is reset it, change 'Locale' on reboot to Chile, and add local maps and other ancillary files you require. It will work, I have a US 3597LMTHD which i use in AU. You can even add local FM TMC traffic subscriptions to the included GTM60 DAB+ HD/FM traffic receiver.
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