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  1. #41
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    If you are still looking for Latin American Spanish voices, I have thought of another way to do it. Have a listen to these male & female voices and if you are interested I can tell you how to do vpm files for them.
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  3. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    If you are still looking for Latin American Spanish voices, I have thought of another way to do it. Have a listen to these male & female voices and if you are interested I can tell you how to do vpm files for them.
    Hello Neil, sorry it took me so long to get back to this post. I listened to the voices that you uploaded and can tell you that a) I'd love to try them, and b) You have a great sense of humor. You made me laugh, thank you :D

    Is it complicated to do the vpm files with them? Thanks again, I really appreciate your help ;-)

  4. #43
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    Hi Diego,
    Yes it is a bit complicated, maybe moreso tiresome, but will be a lot of fun if you enjoy doing that sort of thing and have the time. I'm a bit busy with other stuff at the present, but as soon as I have time i will make up a tut and post it for you. The most tiresome part is that those wav files are not the same as those used in the standard garmin non-tts voices and so will have to be converted to 16-bit PCM or 4-bit ADPCM (compressed audio). Stand by (but don't hold your breath!), i'll get back to you asap.
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  5. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by lolypop000 View Post
    Why RAW and not FAT32?
    Format it in FAT32 unlock map with gimgunlock and all be OK.
    Did you update your unit FW?
    When you copy SD conntent do you enable hidden sistem file and folder?
    Try to remove grmn0.gma from SD card.
    Please attach your PANA10SIG.PSI to post maybe here is stored your password.
    What is model number of your radio?
    may i ask a question ? how could i perform a raw copy?


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    Hello Rosanna. I did it using a tool called HDD Raw Copy. Its freeware, and you can download it here:
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    Last edited by Boki; 26th April 2023 at 08:17 AM.

  7. #46
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. SD Authentication
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    Hi Diego,
    I had a bit of spare time so got the basics set out for you:
    Download turboccc's [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. There's a tut in Caty's post but you'll hardly need it as its quite easy to use. More help is on turboccc's website. From memory there's also a readme.txt in the zip file.

    1. Select a 'voice shell'. I like to use English_American_.vpm as the text matches up with the sound files, making it easier to replace them. You may prefer to use a copy of the EU Spanish vpm.

    2. Open the voice editor and follow the wizard to split the selected .vpm into .wav files. Open the resulting folder (it will have the same name as the vpm name), and keep it open on your desktop.

    3. Go to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and select your voice. Then record and dl each word/phrase one by one. Save them into the folder, with the same names as the split vpm wav files, e.g. sample_002.wav and so on, overwriting the originals. Ignore the files in bold such as DING DONG of course. You will have about 100 wav files to record and dl into the folder. This is where the tiresome stuff starts and maybe you can look for a better/quicker way to convert the wav files so that they play correctly. They will probably play as they are if you combine them back into a vpm without further editing, but the voice will have a fast, clipped chipmunk sound (or chipette for Rosa, lol). I've only used Audacity, this is the way I to convert them to 22 kHz:

    4. Open Audacity > Edit > Preferences > Quality > Set 'Default Sample Rate' to 22050 Hz.

    5. Make 2 new folders somewhere convenient to store the new files, name them anything you like at the present i.e. '22kHzWaveFiles' and 'Trimmed22kHzWaveFiles'.

    6. In Audacity, open each downloaded wav file, starting with sample_002.wav. Play it if you like to check it. Make a note of the length of each file as you open it. If it's 1.075s. long, that's maximum length it must be later also, but probably even shorter as you'll see. Then select File > Export as WAV, and save it into the first of your new folders with exactly the same file name as it had originally. Repeat with all of the voice wave files. OK, that's the tiresome stuff over with. Now the REALLY tiresome stuff starts. Go grab a beer or 10.

    7. As the saved files are left with extra silence at the end, it must be trimmed. They may also have too much silence at the start as well. These files were not meant for this application, so this is where your record of each length is used as a guide. You know that it's not needed that the length be longer, and almost certainly it needs to be shorter than what you have written down. Open the 22 kHz files in turn. Select the estimated correct length with a left mouse click, hold and drag towards the other end of the wave, highlighting it. Click the 'Trim Outside Selection' button, play it to check it's correctly trimmed, undo and redo if necessary and then when you're satisfied save the new file into the 2nd new folder, again preserving the correct original name. A bit of judgement is needed here, 'coz if there is too much or too little silence left at the start and/or end of the file the words could be run together when the vpm plays, or have too large a pause between them giving a equally annoying 'halting' effect. You may need to experiment a bit for that reason.

    ...dead pic link ...

    5. After you've finished (assuming you haven't gone crazy by then), copy all the unaltered BOLD files, DING DONG etc wave files from the original split wave folder into the the 2nd folder and then rename it precisely the same as the original folder name (don't forget the underscore [_] at the end) then use NonTTSVoiceEditor to recompile the edited 22 kHz wav files back into a vpm file... or if those 2 folders are in the same directory you could probably also just leave the 2nd folder name as it is, and then rename the recompiled *.vpm file back to original. Either should work, as long as the final vpm has the exact same name as the original 'voice shell' file name.

    See, that's really easy isn't it?! (not). Maybe someone here knows an easier way to convert the wave files without having to tediously trim the silence. Good luck. If you have any questions, just ask. If I don't know the answer, i'll probably simply ignore you.
    Last edited by Boki; 26th April 2023 at 08:37 AM.
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    Hey, Neil! Thanks for posting the steps; they do look a little tedious, but easy enough. With a newborn in the house it's a little hard for me to find some time to do it, but I'll sure give it a shot. Thanks again for your help; I really appreciate it :D

  9. #48
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    A newborn? Concrats, Mate! Kids are great arn't they? A bit of a problem initally, but after the first 21 years or so that all changes and they finally come good (then they just borrow money off you). I doubt you'll get time to muck around with the Rosa & Alberto voices for a while somehow..... but if you do try them and hit any problems, post again here or PM me and I'll try to help you.
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  10. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by diegoand View Post
    Hello. I've read many posts and still can't find something that would help me get an updated map to work on my GPS. The GPS I have came with the car I bought, factory installed, in dash (it is a Honda Navigation unit, which has DVD, radio, GPS, USB)....
    Afternoon my dear, I know the thread is a bit old but I just bought a Honda Navi car and it comes without the sd card, did you manage to make a copy of the sd card that detects the car?
    Last edited by Boki; 26th April 2023 at 07:58 AM. Reason: quote shorten

  11. #50
    iGO Enthusiast SD Authentication
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    Yes, the topic is too old. It is no longer relevant, knowledge has changed since then. Devices also

    If it is necessary at all, you buy a SD card with a preconfigured CID, there are threads on the Forum
    Garmin does not require such cards
    If you had browsed this topic at all, you would know what the problem was and the solution

    First, find out which device is in your car and then ask for the card or whatever, look in proper section
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