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  1. #21
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    I really like "tips and tricks" for iGo. I'll be adding a few here.

    Here is the first one...

    To have iGo Primo (WinCE only - this same info automatically gets logged to logcat in Android) create a detailed log of what it's doing, which is great for troubleshooting boot issues, random reboots, TTS issues, etc, simply add this line to your sys.txt under the [debug] section:

    log_1="\SD Memory\nng\debug.log::5"

    Make sure you replace the path with the correct path for your device. On my 2DIN device, the main iGo directory is "\SD Memory\nng". Not sure what the parameters are at the end, but I'm assuming that they are related to verbosity. If I use a "1" instead of a "5", there is very little info in the log. But I didn't really see any additional info by using a "9" instead of a "5"... This log will continue to grow over time (it does not overwrite - it appends each time the app is started). I'll have to look into a method to automatically clear the log file each time Primo starts.

    Also, to log additional info regarding TTS, add this line to the [tts] section in sys.txt:


    More tips and tricks to come shortly!

    Sent from my HP SlateBook 10 x2 PC using Tapatalk

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  3. #22
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    Next tip....

    Want to have Primo start somewhere other than the main menu by default?

    Just add this line to the [interface] section of sys.txt:


    The line above will start Primo in the main cockpit view (my preference).

    Here are the main screens that most people would want to start at:

    - st_MainMenu - Main Menu (system default)
    - st_EasyNav - Cockpit screen
    - st_EasyFindMenu - Find screen

    Let me know if there is another screen you'd like to start at and I'll get you the screen "name".

    Sent from my HP SlateBook 10 x2 PC using Tapatalk

  4. #23
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    Default Show Labels With Poi Icons

    Primo WinCE - show lables with poi icons

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    This is one of my favourites ( thanks to tweakradje)


    In your sys.txt you need these entries

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    it won't work without this one** but the others can be left out or tweaked to suit


    In the /save/profiles/01/ folder change all occurrences of these entries in the mapstates.ini
    from this -

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    or just change in the places where you want poi labels to appear.


    To change the text colour

    Locate the color.ini file. This file can be found in a number of places and depending on whether you are using the default scheme, other scheme or a skin will determine which one you will need to edit.
    Typical locations are -

    1/ Data.zip/ ui_igo9/ scheme/ ("4 folders")

    2/ content/ scheme/ ("scheme".zip)

    3/ content / skin/ "skin".zip / ui_igo9/ scheme/ ( "folders")

    In the color.ini file you will find under the [color] section the entry - label_poi_icon="",33,69,181

    Add entry if not present.

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    Check out "edit colors" in microsoft paint on your pc to get the colour numbers you want.

    To change font and/or text size

    Locate the default.vis file ( data.zip / ui_igo9 / common )

    edit this entry

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    Last edited by morco; 25th January 2016 at 11:12 PM.

  5. #24
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    Getting screenshot to save where you want can be a painful. Here are some tips:
    Spoiler: .

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    Last edited by osiris4isis; 18th November 2018 at 11:05 AM.

  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by morco View Post
    Primo WinCE - show lables with poi icons
    To change the text colour...
    I had done this couple of years ago and found it cluttered up the small display (320x240); it might be ok for 800x480. BTW, it works for android as well. And note that not all POIs will be displayed with name* (it depends on the map position, zoom and angle); and when they are displayed it comes and goes depending on the rendering engine. Colors are the mixing of RGB (R=red,G=green,B=blue) where each value are 0=lowest to 255=highest. Changing color is impossible for default day and night scheme. Overall, I think is this more "eye-candy" than being useful. What is needed is a good skin that announce nearby POIs.

    * some name can be quite long and using smaller font might help but it's impossible to see on small resolution; you can test the font parameters by copying the display.vis to iGO/ui_android/common so it doesn't need to be replaced in data.zip
    Last edited by osiris4isis; 26th January 2016 at 08:20 AM.

  7. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by osiris4isis View Post
    I had done this couple of years ago and found it cluttered up the small display (320x240); it might be ok for 800x480. And note that not all POIs will be displayed with name* (it depends on the map position, zoom and angle); and when they are displayed it comes and goes depending on the rendering engine.
    It does have its limitations. Having less poi s selected can help. I guess the user will decide whether these limitations are acceptable or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by osiris4isis View Post
    BTW, it works for android as well.
    Good to Know

    Quote Originally Posted by osiris4isis View Post
    Changing color is impossible for default day and night scheme.
    Check out my original image, using the default day scheme displaying red labels. The default is text is blue.

    Quote Originally Posted by osiris4isis View Post
    Overall, I think is this more "eye-candy" than being useful..
    Always love an opinion

    Quote Originally Posted by osiris4isis View Post
    What is needed is a good skin that announce nearby POIs.
    I look forward to testing it when you have made it

  8. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by morco View Post
    Check out my original image, using the default day scheme displaying red labels. The default is text is blue.

    I look forward to testing it when you have made it
    So you change ../scheme/day/color.ini and ../scheme/night/color.ini inside data.zip? What skin are you using (if any)? I wonder if this is an android specific problem.

    I'm still on a slow* learning curve on creating/modding skin. Who knows I might have opportunity to pick up necessary skill to do that in near future.

    * Gotta a lot of things on my plates at the moment.

    Update: Ok, I figured out why color of label wasn't changing.
    Spoiler: .

    color.ini must be changed in scheme directory inside branding.zip (if present) first, then data.zip, etc...
    Last edited by osiris4isis; 31st January 2016 at 04:10 PM.

  9. #28
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    Tired of looking at your cursor/car out of scale? That is, big car on little width road?
    Spoiler: Hocus Pocus

    Add and tweak the following inside sys.txt

    for 3d
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    for 2d
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  10. #29
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    Hi guys,

    I have a little problem with IGO navigation, after installing IGO every time when i launch IGO i have such a pop up about low battery and 5 second to close the program, what i have to do is push the button cancel, after this i can use navigaton.
    Every time i start IGO there is the same pop up, this is frustrating for me.....i hope so there is a solution for my problem.

    Message for Wojpen / Wiadomość do Wojpen

    Cześć, prośba o pomoc, jak włączam igo na swoim radiu samochodowym to mam info o słabej a nawet krytycznej baterii i 5 sekund na naciśniecie anuluj bo inaczej program się wyłącza, znasz może ten problem? możesz pomóc?

  11. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by spoker View Post
    Hi guys,
    Hi, (Cześć)

    Make sure you have (or similar) in sys.txt:
    powermgm_state = "1"


    powermgm_state = 0

    Add another line like this:
    shutdown_time = 0

    Clear SAVE folder and program cache and run again
    (daj znać co wyszło)
    Last edited by wojpen; 22nd March 2017 at 09:46 PM.
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